The New Contemporary Art Magazine

The Magical Realist Portraits of Eddy Stevens

The mysterious portraits of Belgian painter Eddy Stevens are filled with stirring symbols that invite the viewer to unpack their meanings. Though his work has a certain timeless quality that recalls 16th- and 17th-century painters, his work is also filled with contemporary flourishes and progressive approaches to the craft.

The mysterious portraits of Belgian painter Eddy Stevens are filled with stirring symbols that invite the viewer to unpack their meanings. Though his work has a certain timeless quality that recalls 16th- and 17th-century painters, his work is also filled with contemporary flourishes and progressive approaches to the craft.

“In a passionate way he tells us about himself growing and, at the same time, gaining insight into his techniques,” Angela King Gallery says. “He trusts that new concepts present themselves in moments of meditation, and they do. It is as though new works come to find him. He says, ‘it’s as if it’s not only me who’s inventing the idea, it’s as if I’m looking at my shadow.’”

See more on his Instagram page.

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