Italian artist Luca Luce began his creative career as a designer, before eventually settling into the field of makeup art. The profession attracted him for its opportunities to create beauty and give other people a form of security. Now, turning the brush onto himself, Luce uses his creative skills to make optical illusions out of his left hand. Using well known cosmetic brands as his medium, he paints realistic pictures with a skewed perspective that can only be appreciated by the wearer. His illustrations portray things like small animals sleeping in the palm of his hand, pulled back skin to reveal electrical outlets, animated characters like Jack Skellington, and other combinations of fantasy and horror. As his work is impermanent until the makeup wears off (or he needs his hand back), Luce documents his art in selfies that he posts to his social media and videos on his Youtube channel. Take a look at more of Luca Luce’s hand-y works below.