First featured in H-Fructose Vol. 12, Korean artist Jin Young Yu makes haunting sculptures with a mystifying use of transparency. She achieves the invisibility of her doll-like figures through a highly transparent plastic. Yu's deeply intimate works reflect on her emotional experience of adolescence, and more recently, mirror her adult personality. Opening on September 19th, she will make her US solo debut at Art Merge Lab in Los Angeles.
Looking at the paintings of Korean artist Egene Koo is like piecing together a puzzle. Her dramatic red portraits of anthropomorphic characters are meant to be allegorical. Just as the tortoise and the hare taught us the rewards of patience and focus, there's a mysterious moral to Koo's images. From what we can gather from her titles, her work addresses lessons about change and sin, such as narcissism and greed. At LA Art Show, Koo's gallery Keumsan also pointed to her themes of environmentalism and our relationship with wildlife, represented by the variety of animals she paints.