Jon MacNair
The work of artists Dan Barry and Jon MacNair come together for “Captive Illusions” at Stranger Factory this month. “Together,” the gallery says, “the duo create a show that sends the viewer into surreal and playful worlds with characters that come to life in warm color schemes.” Barry was last featured on here, and MacNair was most recently mentioned here.
Dan Barry
Jon MacNair
Dan Barry
Stranger Factory says the illustrative works of Barry “explore themes that are simultaneously intensely personal and universal -mortality, loss, connection, family and patriotism.” Meanwhile, MacNair’s pieces in this particular show “is a deviation from his usual monochromatic ink on paper works. Employing color, to assemble an exhibition entirely comprised of paintings on wood panel, he focused less on narratives and more on straight-forward character driven works.”
Find more on Stranger Factory’s site. Dan Barry and Jon MacNair can be found on the web here and here, respectively.
Jon MacNair
Dan Barry
Jon MacNair
Dan Barry
Jon MacNair
Dan Barry