Figurative artist Malcolm Liepke paints expressive images of men and women with increasing sensuality and range of emotions. The gestural quality of his oil paintings (previously covered here) lends to his concepts that explore sexual freedom and inhibition. It’s a technique he borrows from those of his favorite artists which includes Diego Velázquez and John Singer Sargent. Closing today at Arcadia Gallery in New York city, his new series “All That We Might Become” builds upon the layers of the complex psychology found in his art. Suggestive paintings such as “Delicious Morsel,” depicting an open mouthed girl, offer enticing images and exhibit mixed feelings of pain and passion, as well as certain vulnerability. Other subjects such as his cheerful and voluptuous “Tiny Dancer” project self-confidence and power. At the same time, his figures are almost always alone, left to experience their feelings in a varied portrayal of solitude. He counteracts these with a quiet, subdued color palette and thick brush strokes by the palette knife, contributing to his work’s overall emotional rawness. Take a look at more images from “All That We Might Become” by Malcolm Liepke below.