The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Tag: coloring book


To celebrate the 50th print issue of Hi-Fructose New Contemporary Art Magazine, all existing print subscribers and the next 500 new subscribers will receive a special subscriber exclusive coloring book. The book features AL COLUMBIA, WILL SWEENEY, KATHIE OLIVAS, TRAVIS LAMPE, MITCH O’CONNELL, JOHN MCNAIR, YU MAEDA, RYAN HESHKA, RAGNAR, TRAVIS LAMPE, DIMA DRJUCHIN, ORI TOOR, BENJAMIN CONSTANTINE, JOE LEDBETTER, DAVE COOPER, and MILENA HUHTA (who also did the cover). Printed on toothy sketchbook paper, this will be sent with your Hi-Fructose Vol. 50, which arrives in January. Subscribe today here: to get yours with your years subscription. Click below to see more previews from the Vol.50 coloring book.
We’re pleased to announce that all our existing print subscribers and the next 500 will receive "Strange & Unlovely,” a coloring book by brush master Martin Ontiveros. This subscriber exclusive is filled with the handpainted arcane images Martin has become known for: fanged, mystical scary, sharp, and somehow, kind of lovable. If you aren’t a subscriber, now is your chance to get on board and get this special thing in your envelope with HF Vol. 48. Subscribe at our store here. Check out previews by clicking through the link!

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