The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Tag: Watercolors

Rendered in watercolor and gouache, the landscape drawings of Bryce Lafferty evoke both scientific diagrams and a more abstract devotion to nature. The artist says these works are often based on place he's been to, and are birthed from "meshing together memories with categorical knowledge, like science, philosophy, or history." To some, his work may evoke the watercolored tones of Rob Sato or the admiration of the natural world found in the early work of Josh Keyes.
Rendered in watercolors, a vision of London is cast by illustrator Marija Tiurina that took months to complete. The artist says the piece wasn't planned or sketched, despite its complexity, as she opted to create it in a "a purely intuitive way." The result stitches together parts of the city in a way that Tiurina describes below:
The watercolor paintings of Alfred Steiner create familiar characters out of disparate objects. His piece "Clown (Krusty)," for example, realistically utilizes a salt shaker, banana, the head of critic Jerry Saltz, and much more. Elsewhere the artist creates his subjects out of genitalia.
In Matthew Palladino’s paintings, the textures of watercolors and the artist's dexterity in form combine to forge works with a spiritual quality. The ghostly works carry a humor and vibrancy that offer a contrast with his skeletal or distorted subjects.
Russia-born, New York-based artist Dima Rebus creates arresting watercolors with visuals that blend surrealism and modernized labeling. Recent works move between quiet scenes and crowd-filled cacophonies, packed with contemporary commentary. He was last featured on here.
Nick Runge, a Los Angeles-based artist, crafts dreamlike and moody paintings of mysterious figures and scenes. Though these works carry flashes of realism, these works carry abstractions that either push backdrops into otherworldly territory or interfere with the subject itself.
Walton Ford's work is immediately impactful because of its scale, especially considering the artist works with watercolor — a notoriously unforgiving medium. Some of his monumental paintings span almost 10 feet wide. Small pieces for Ford are about as wide as the average human is tall. His current show "Watercolors" at Paul Kasmin Gallery in New York City is an allegorical series of animal paintings with a storybook appeal. Often tongue-in-cheek, the paintings are nostalgically presented as artifacts from the 19th and early 20th centuries with hand-written notes presumably left by the animal subjects for posterity.

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