In the documentary short "Hollywood Dreams," the work of Victor Castillo comes to life, with his paintings animated and the artist experimenting with motion in a new way. Crafted by Loica filmmakers, the short also blends 3D animated characters with live backdrops. The result hints at what Castillo calls his “‘strange hybrid world,’ where his unconventional past brings him to distinctive artistic conclusions.” Castillo was featured in the exhibition Turn the Page: The First 10 Years of Hi-Fructose and the Hi-Fructose Collected 4 Box Set.
When we interviewed Chilean painter Victor Castillo in Hi-Fructose Vol 23, he told us: "Today, to me, it is especially impossible not to be political because there are too many important things happening to live as if nothing is happening." Born in '73, which is also the title of his fourth major exhibition opening tomorrow at KP Projects, Los Angeles, the artist has often made historical and political references in his dark paintings of hollow-eyed children.
On September 13th, fellow artists Victor Castillo and Alex Diamond will exhibit new paintings at Heliumcowboy's temporary space, Holstenhof, in Germany. Although longtime friends, "Weapons of Mass Seduction" is their first time exhibiting together. It was conceptualized as a joint show to celebrate their shared taste in content with a fantasy-inspired narrative.
Now on view at Soze Gallery is “Steer Ahead”, a unique group exhibition of hand-painted steer skulls benefitting CAMP2E. Proceeds from the artwork go to the charity’s art programs created to empower Los Angeles inner city youths, ages 8-14. Among the artists involved are street artists and pop surrealists Dan Quintana (featured in Hi-Fructose issue 27), Victor Castillo (issue 23), Dave Kinsey (issue 13), Retna, Cyrcle, Gregory Siff, Aaron de la Cruz, Paige Smith, and more. Read more after the jump.