The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Tag: urban nation berlin

Guest curated by photographer Henrik Haven and author Olly Walker, Urban Nation Berlin's upcoming group show, "Cut It Out!", explores the history and current state of stencil art. The exhibition opens on January 31 at Urban Nation's headquarters and features well-known street artists such as Sten & Lex, Jeff Aerosol, Above, Aiko, C215, M-City, and many others.
Jonathan LeVine Gallery recently brought Olek, DalEast, Dan Witz, Saner, Nychos and Jeff Soto to Berlin for their takeover of Project M, Urban Nation's ever-evolving outdoor art gallery. In addition to murals and public installations by the above-mentioned artists, LeVine curated a pop-up exhibition titled "Greetings from New York City" with works by Kevin Cyr, Tara McPherson, Gary Baseman, Faile and Evol as well as studio works from the artists who did the street art portion of the show. Photographer Henrik Haven captured the artists in action as they left their mark on Berlin's cityscape.
Amsterdam-based collage artist Handiedan recently visited Berlin to add her contribution to Urban Nation's Project M, arguably one of the coolest buildings in the German capital. The arts organization has been inviting artists to create window installations and large-scale murals (see our coverage of Eine's recent piece there) and Handiedan recently made her mark on the multi-story facade with an enormous, wheat-pasted mural. While her typical work consists of smaller-scale, textured collages of vintage pin-up girls with baroque flourishes, she seamlessly adapted this style to a larger format. Check out her piece and stay tuned for more coverage of her upcoming solo show "Vesica Piscis," opening at Seattle's Roq La Rue this Thursday.
Over the past several months, arts organization Urban Nation has been inviting international artists and curators to do what they will with their large, interdisciplinary Berlin venue, Project M — a building utilized as a canvas from the inside out. The project's latest incarnation, M/5, was curated by Roland Henry of the street art-focused publication VNA Magazine. While the multi-story building was covered in a new mural by Ben Eine, the surrounding area was fitted with window-installations and smaller murals by the likes of Above, Ben Frost, Klone, Yoh Nagao and many others. Take a look at some photos after the jump.
Inside a run-down building off Berlin’s Nollendorfplatz, an area known historically for both its gay culture and punk community, 12 artists from eight countries (Fernando Chamarelli, João Ruas, Alexis Diaz (La Pandilla), NoseGo, Word to Mother, Curiot, Low Bros, Andrew Schoultz, Glenn Barr, C215, Dabs Myla, and JBAK) worked for two days to create original artworks for the facades and windows of the currently unused site (exciting news about the future of this space to come).

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