Telmo Miel, the artist duo consisting of Telmo Pieper and Miel Krutzmann, brings their surreal, distinct collaborative work to Thinkspace Projects with a new show. "Encounters," opening on February 1, offers several pieces created over the past year.
Oscar Oiwa brings his immersie mural work to USC Pacific Asia Museum with the new installation "Dreams of a Sleeping World." The artist describes this new work as a "360° dreamscape," created over two weeks and handrawn with 120 Sharpie markers. Oiwa was last featured on here.
The London Police
When the first-ever END-to-END festival recently landed in Charlotte, N.C., it added nearly two-dozen murals to the 76-acre Camp North End, which began its existence as a Model T factory and is a now a burgeoning mixed-use site with industrial structures in-tact. Among the artists: The London Police (last featured on here), Fabian Williams, James Moore (last featured here), Hnin Nie (last featured here), and several others.