The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Tag: Lola

Colored pencils haven't quite received the recognition of their counterparts as a fine art material- and yet over the years, we've featured artists from all over the world who have surprised us with what can be achieved by these utensils from our elementary school sets. CHG Circa in Los Angeles sent a group of international artists a set of their own and invited them to refer back to their child imagination.
On Saturday night, Los Angeles pop-up space 80Forty transformed into Lola's "The Younger". Her exhibition, 2-years in the making, tells the personal story of Lola's creative upbringing in an environment full of personal touches. The space included her own fireplace mantel, as seen in our studio visit, with decorative furniture and 3d pieces on display. As the title suggests, we follow the 'younger' Lola into adulthood through a series of playful symbolism. In her youth, Lola spent time drawing with her father, also an artist, and playing with the toys inherited from her grandparents. These experiences find their way into her paintings, featuring Alice in Wonderland-like little girls in whimsical situations.
On December 13th at 80Forty gallery, Lola will debut her first major exhibition in two years, and perhaps her most personal, "The Younger". Her new series of twenty oil paintings also includes some of her largest to date. When we visited her studio in Los Angeles this week, she described it as "something to really get lost in". Her childish characters embark from their storybook lands into unfamiliar territory- Lola's childhood reality. The spirit of a 'younger' Lola is present in images of freckled young girls playing with reimaginatings of toys like Pacman and Pez. In this new world drawn from memory, Lola tells us the story of her creative upbringing. We took a moment to discuss her exhibition while she worked.
Last Saturday, CHG Circa offered pint sized works by their favorite artists in "Art Collector Starter Kit" 2. If you're like most collectors, you know how to buy art on a piece-by-piece basis, but may not be all that well versed in the art that is collecting. This show offers a solution. In the gallery's own words, "The motivation behind an exhibition of all 12”x12” paintings stems from the fact that newer collectors, or enthusiasts, who have never bought an original piece from one of their favorite artists, may now do so."

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