Nina Bunjevac’s masterful stippled drawings have appeared as single works, portraiture, comic books, tarot cards, commercial illustration, and other forms. All showcase the Canada-born artist’s command of shadows and subtlety, with the ability to move between the macabre and the humorous within a single frame. Earlier this year, she released her latest graphic novel, "Bezimena," a re-imagining of the myth of Artemis and Siproites.
Kara Walker's known for her frank and varied explorations of race, gender, violence, and sexuality. A controversial new collection of work, now at Sikkema Jenkins & Co. in New York City, tackles today’s white supremacy and our country’s history, now within the Trump era.
C7 is the moniker of Hiroko Shiina, a Japanese artist who creates surreal and bleak illustrations with multiple tools. She’s used acrylics, ink, colored pencil, and even coffee to craft her moody works. Her works appears to be informed by dreams, the natural world, and isolated emotions.
Houston artist/illustrator Stephen Bower offers a new collection of images that tell of an impending “Technocratic Dystopia.” His new show of Copro Gallery in Santa Monica, titled "Visions of a Terminal Reality," taps into the political and social commentary laced throughout his intricate ink illustrations. In particular, the show seems to act as a sci-fi-tinged examination of where our currently reality could actually be headed. It kicks off today and runs through June 10.
New York-based artist George Boojury paints animals that often return the viewer's gaze. His large-scale ink works on paper (10 feet long is typical for one of his pieces) invite his audiences to confront majestic, wild creatures head-on. In setting up this interaction, the artist quietly prompts us to contemplate our relationship with the animal world. Boojury paints with great detail, mapping out every hair and wrinkle. Bob cats and buffalo pose nonchalantly against white backgrounds that evoke a photo studio. Though Boojury's imagery is stoic and straightforward, one can't help but be reminded of the perils wildlife faces as human activity further encroaches on its habitats.