The haunting smoke photographs of French photographer Gilles Soudry transport us into his black and fluffy universe, where the streams of smoke take on strangely human and animal-like formations. First featured here on our blog last year, Soudry has since completed the third installment of his "Volutes" series, an ongoing study of smoke's mystifying effects as it is captured in a single moment in time.
Clouds of smoke appear to take on strange and beautiful shapes in French photographer Gilles Soudry's images. He calls them "Volutes", referring to the smoke's hazy and spiraling effects, and some have described looking at his work like being transported into a dark otherworld, while others appreciate its cinematic qualities (we saw Donnie Darko's rabbit "Frank"). Like a sort of x-ray colored Rorschach Test, these reactions to Soudry's photographs demonstrate his unique ability to mystify his viewers.