David Altmejd's mindbending sculptures return in a new show at White Cube Hong Kong. In "The Vibrating Man," running through May 18, the artist offers his transforming figures and busts, each its on unsettling, yet absorbing mutation. Instead of any given piece having its own meaning, the artist has said he prefer “it to be able to generate its own meaning.” Altmejd was last featured on HiFructose.com here.
David Altmejd’s unsettling mixed-media sculptures subvert and mutate the figurative, while exploring our relationship to science and mythology. With works like "L,oeil" (above), he uses a robust set of materials: expanded polystyrene, epoxy dough, fiberglass, resin, synthetic hair, quartz, Sharpie and pens, gold leaf, glass paint, and much more. Throughout these forms, Altmejd creates surreal embellishments with natural and unnatural emulations.