AFA Gallery is pleased to announce that AFA has become the exclusive representative for Colin Christian’s popular Lipsex sculptures. Colin Christian has created a collection of never-before-seen unique large scale sculptures for AFA.
Trypophobia is the pathological fear of irregularly shaped holes. If looking at sponges, beehives, and raw meat makes you squirm, please look away. Colin Christian exploits people's innate discomfort with porous organic matter in his new work for his January 3 solo show, "Trypophobia" at Stephen Romano Gallery in Brooklyn. While Christian's doll-like sculptures have been featured on our blog many times, this is his most grotesque body of work yet. Toothy holes gnaw at the silicone flesh of his large-scale characters as if an alien parasite has invaded their bodies. Some of the sculptures feature close-ups of festering skin, which Christian displays in a medical fashion. He is clearly unafraid to repulse viewers with this exhibit.