The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Tag: Black Drawings

Taisuke Mohri has been drawing since his teens, eventually leading him to study industrial design. It should come as no surprise that he specialized in the design of elaborate objects with visual patterns, elements he now adapts in his drawing work. We previously featured Mohri's realistic pencil renderings of mysterious young people on our blog. He has said that he finds it disturbing when something appears too perfect or real. Mohri's latest works intend to interrupt "perfect" people and creations in nature with smudges and cracks.
Without all of the clothes and the accessories of the modern Homo sapiens, human anatomy alone is quite strange and our smug arrogance, rather misplaced. Visualize a baby kitten next to a human infant, and you’ll see how oafish we must appear to surrounding species. New York-based artist Aurel Schmidt goes a step further to highlight our physical oddities by comparing human body parts to not even others mammals, but vegetation, in her collections of drawings titled “Fruits” and "Black Drawings."

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