Jacky Tsai has become increasingly known for his multimedia works, especially his iconic "skullptures" made famous by Alexander McQueen. Not only a prolific sculptor, the Chinese-born, London based artist is currently working on a new series of works which includes hand-painted porcelains, lacquer carvings, and intricately embroidered pieces. They are to be exhibited later this year at The Fine Art Society in London. Tsai, being incredibly hard-working, does not comepensate the content of his pieces for the amount of detail that goes into them.
Chinese-born, London-based artist Jacky Tsai brings his fashion-world experience to his interdisciplinary art projects, which often fuse illustration, printmaking, sewing and sculpture. Tsai says that he is fueled by his contrasting experiences living in both Eastern and Western cultures. With his skull sculptures (or "Skullptures" as Tsai refers to them) and illustrations, the artist combines the morbid with the ornate. These symbols of death and decay become the sites of regeneration as flowers blossom on the skulls like moss — a juxtaposition Tsai uses as an antidote to his native culture's superstitions about death.