The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Search Results for: adam friedman

Portland based artist Adam Friedman (covered here) has an ongoing fascination with our universe which he explores in his psychedelic works. His art expands on broad themes centered on time and space and other natural phenomenon. Friedman goes "Into the Aether" with his latest solo exhibition, now on view at Mirus Gallery in San Francisco. His show presents a new series of acrylic and acrylic aerosol pieces on canvas, 3D paintings, and a new mural inside the gallery.

Chadam trailer

"Cutting-edge artist Alex Pardee and producer Jason Hall of HDFILMS Inc. are teaming up on a 3D animation project based upon Pardee’s character of the same name. Initially introduced as a character icon for the popular rock band The Used, Chadam has become an Internet phenomenon.

Adam Kiyoshi Fujita’s spraypainted murals appear as neon lights on walls across the world. Though a 25-year veteran of crafting work in public spaces, this specific style, evoking neon tube lighting evolved in response to the current presidential administration. In this past, his work has also responded to issues around police violence, gender issues, and other social topics.
For its "15 Years of Thinkspace" show, Thinkspace Projects asked more than 70 artists to craft works on 15"x15" panels. Among the featured artists are several veterans of our print magazine, including Cintal Vidal (Vol. 51), Jeremy Geddes (Vol. 15), Mark Dean Veca (Vol. 23), Yosuke Ueno (Vol.10), Laura Berger (Vol. 44), and several others. (See the complete list of artists below.) The show kicks off on Jan. 11 and runs through Jan. 25.

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