With “Burn With Me” at Arch Enemy Arts, Michael Reedy offers new mixed-media works that examine themes of birth and death. Kicking off on Sept. 6, the show follows the artist’s 2016 show at the Philadelphia gallery, “Dust & Moonshine.” The title “Burn With Me” is inspired by a Banana Yoshimoto short story with the line, ”I bet I go to hell when I die … ” Reedy was last mentioned on our site here.
“I often find myself driven by a rather manic preoccupation with the apparent meaninglessness of it all–especially when coupled with our drive to procreate as a means by which to live beyond our own lifetime,” the artist says. “The idea of living beyond (beyond our own physical existence)–or our soul/spirit floating away, or the “spilling out” of our insides as a means to live on (and in essence escape death) fascinates me.”
See more works on Arch Enemy’s site and Michael Reedy’s own page.