The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Hi-Fructose Vol. 50 Preview!

AJ Fosik

It's the 50th volume of Hi-Fructose! This landmark issue features: the figurative paintings of Prudence Flint, the suspended collage sculptures of Dustin Yellin, the dynamic painted illustrations of Shoichi Okumura, the graphic paintings of DABSMYLA, the beautiful and foreboding watercolor paintings of Annie Owens, the intricate upcycled trash sculptures of Bordallo II, the latest work of Audrey Kawasaki, a review of the latest documentary on Meow Wolf, and a gold foil-stamped cover feature on AJ Fosik! Plus a 16-page special insert section the paintings of Jason Limon and more. HF Vol.50 arrives in January. Subscribe today and receive the subscriber-exclusive Coloring Book. And see more previews on the click-through. Reserve a copy here, and for subscriptions, head here if you live in the U.S. and here for Canadian subscribers.

AJ Fosik

It’s the 50th volume of Hi-Fructose! This landmark issue features: the figurative paintings of Prudence Flint, the suspended collage sculptures of Dustin Yellin, the dynamic painted illustrations of Shoichi Okumura, the graphic paintings of DABSMYLA, the beautiful and foreboding watercolor paintings of Annie Owens, the intricate upcycled trash sculptures of Bordallo II, the latest work of Audrey Kawasaki, a review of the latest documentary on Meow Wolf, and a gold foil-stamped cover feature on AJ Fosik! Plus a 16-page special insert section the paintings of Jason Limon and more. HF Vol.50 arrives in January. Subscribe today and receive the subscriber-exclusive Coloring Book. And see more previews on the click-through.

Reserve a copy here, and for subscriptions, head here if you live in the U.S. and here for Canadian subscribers.

Shoichi Okumura

Milena Huhta

Dustin Yellin

Prudence Flint

Annie Owens

Jason Limon


Bordallo II

Audrey Kawasaki

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