For the Unconventional’s upcoming two-person show “For Better or Worse” offers the work of two artists who have made bold departures from their street art roots: Yesnik and Jaybo Monk. Yesnik, formerly known as Dave Kinsey, takes the shapes, hues, and textures of the natural world and creates new paintings and—for the first time—large-scale sculptural work. Monk is the multi-genre artist whose recent works are composite portraits, comprised of photographed sources, images of sculpture, and other materials.
“After travelling on separate but intertwining artistic journeys throughout their careers, immersed in ’80s and ’90s underground street culture and design, both artists have embarked on new paths in recent years, moving outside of their comfort zones and the stylistic origins that shaped their work up to this point,” the gallery says. “The exhibition’s title, For Better or Worse, reflects this decision, as each fearlessly embraces new aesthetic territory, without regrets or second-guessing.”
The pop-up exhibition occupies a spot in Los Angeles (5514 Wilshire Blvd.) between Sept. 7-9. See more works from the show below.