The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Mark Gleason’s New, Dreamlike Oil Paintings

Mark Gleason’s new stirring, dreamlike oil paintings explore nocturnal and psychological themes. In a new show at La Luz De Jesus Gallery in Los Angeles, titled "Sleepless," the painter offers a new series of works that explore both broad and personal themes for the artist. The artist was last featured on here.

Mark Gleason’s new stirring, dreamlike oil paintings explore nocturnal and psychological themes. In a new show at La Luz De Jesus Gallery in Los Angeles, titled “Sleepless,” the painter offers a new series of works that explore both broad and personal themes for the artist. The artist was last featured on here.

“This nocturnal realm is fed by many sources that point me roughly in the same direction,” the artist says, on his recent work. “I wrestle with insomnia and adrenalizing periods of creativity, with philosophical and psychological themes that continue to occupy me, with the subconscious mind, self-awareness, and solitude. These liminal images are leavened with humor and intensified as theatrical visions.”

“Sleepless” runs through April 29 at the gallery. See more of his recent work below.

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