On April 30th, Leontia Gallery in London will follow their previous group show “FLESH” (covered here) with “CONSUME”. The show highlights accomplished urban artists whose works generally make a satirical message about consumerism- Schoony, Magnus Gjoen, Rococo Wonderland, Juan Barletta, Carne Griffiths, and Jean-Luc Almond. They simultaneously poke fun at society, while promoting change by confronting us with its lunacy and problems. Ironically, some of these artists have become celebrities among the celebrity-obsessed lifestyle they satirize. Schoony’s piece “Boy Soldier”, for example, was created in anti-war protest and later appeared in such films as Kickass 2. It will be on display along with his 3D Pop Art series of a girl blowing bubble gum. There are several portraits, but not because the artists are obsessed with the subjects themselves. Rather, their focus is on the over-advertised mass consumption of such imagery. This includes Juan Barletta’s Medusa-like painting of Miley Cyrus to Cedric Bouteiller’s visual collage of characters like the Tomb Raider and Mickey Mouse. On the opposite end of the spectrum are Magnus Gjoen’s light boxes of skulls, combining themes of religion, war, beauty and destruction. Take a look at our preview of the show below, courtesy of the gallery.
Magnus Gjoen
Juan Barletta
Jean-Luc Almond
Cedric Bouteiller
Carne Griffiths
Carne Griffiths