Fans of recently featured duo Pip & Pop will enjoy Japanese artist Yuko Kanatani, one of their inspirations. Kanatani recently gained international momentum after the launch of her Nike sneakers and ‘Tight of the Moment’ line, which features her psychedelic designs. Her works comprise of drawings, paintings, animation, and immersive large-scale installations where one feels like they are walking into a kaleidoscope. Her bright and dazzling ornamental imagery represents varying emotions, and themes of infinity and movement. These are expressed in her repetitive patterns. Here, multiple mediums connect and intertwine in a display that is anything but random. For example, her designs for Nike compliment the physical form, where complex motifs follow the muscle and blood flow of the wearer. Mood can be influenced by looking at certain visuals and combinations of color. Here lies Katani’s underlying concept, the connection art can create between the visual and emotional state.