The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Preview: Jim Woodring’s “YOU Drive!” at Scott Eder Gallery

Celebrated artist and cartoonist Jim Woodring (featured way back in HF Vol. 2) is gearing up to debut his latest series of oil paintings and charcoal drawings for his solo show "YOU Drive!" opening at Scott Eder Gallery in Brooklyn on January 10. Woodring fills his latest work with copious oddball characters and unexpected, humorous twists. His chaotic scenes are rife with anthropomorphic animals, biblical allusions gone awry, alien invasions, and inexplicable supernatural occurrences. Check out our sneak peek below before his show opens.

Celebrated artist and cartoonist Jim Woodring (featured way back in HF Vol. 2) is gearing up to debut his latest series of oil paintings and charcoal drawings for his solo show “YOU Drive!” opening at Scott Eder Gallery in Brooklyn on January 10. Woodring fills his latest work with copious oddball characters and unexpected, humorous twists. His chaotic scenes are rife with anthropomorphic animals, biblical allusions gone awry, alien invasions, and inexplicable supernatural occurrences. Check out our sneak peek below before his show opens.

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