The New Contemporary Art Magazine

On View: Tiffany Bozic’s “Qualia” at Joshua Liner Gallery

Northern California-based artist Tiffany Bozic (featured in HF Vol. 25) paints anatomically-correct animals that evoke scientific illustrations. Yet her works transcend realism through her imaginative compositions. Using acrylic on maple board, Bozic paints flora and fauna stacked into geometric patterns or bouquet-like clusters, rendering them with soft, pastel hues. She brings order to the chaos of nature, presenting various species in harmony.

Northern California-based artist Tiffany Bozic (featured in HF Vol. 25) paints anatomically-correct animals that evoke scientific illustrations. Yet her works transcend realism through her imaginative compositions. Using acrylic on maple board, Bozic paints flora and fauna stacked into geometric patterns or bouquet-like clusters, rendering them with soft, pastel hues. She brings order to the chaos of nature, presenting various species in harmony.

The work in her current solo show at Joshua Liner Gallery in New York, “Qualia,” focuses on Bozic’s fascination with interiority. She exposes the insides of fruits, nests, hives and even bodies. The rhythmic repetition of cell-like shapes alludes to the interconnectedness of all living things. But the title of the show alludes to a psychological interiority, as well. Qualia are the subjective qualities of an experience — the way a color looks, how water feels on our skin, what we hear when we hear branches cracking. While the unity of the natural world is a prevalent theme, Bozic ponders the varied subjective experiences of different creatures.

When the exhibition debuted earlier this month, Bozic was in Namibia studying the genetics of the elephant shrew alongside her husband and daughter. Much of the inspiration for her work comes from her first-hand experiences with nature.

“Qualia” is on view at Joshua Liner Gallery through November 15.

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Tiffany Bozic once said that she felt like she was born with a heightened sense that everything is connected. Some of her earliest childhood memories take place on her family's farm in Arkansas, where she grew up watching animals being born, and also killed in a slaughterhouse. It was a nurturing and also traumatizing experience that continues to affect her art. Bozic's dream-like paintings of animals at different stages of life have appeared in several Hi-Fructose issues, most recently Vol. 30, and soon our exhibition at Virgina MOCA. Her images are visual metaphors for human and nature's shared effort to live life fully.

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