Casey Weldon (featured in our current issue, Hi-Fructose Vol. 32) illuminates nature scenes with his bright, electronic color palettes. His latest series of paintings, “Novel Relic,” will debut at Seattle’s Roq La Rue tonight, August 7, alongside Femke Hiemstra’s solo show “Warten am Waldrand” (previewed here).
The title of Weldon’s exhibition posits the viewer on a timeline: a “novel relic” evokes some interesting, antique knickknack discovered at a flea market. But his paintings distort our perception of any continuity between past, present and future. Instead, we find his characters in an enchanted world overrun with animal life. Digital glows emanate from the strangest places. Television color bars shine underneath a tree’s bark; the motif repeats again on the skin of a giant iguana perched on a phone tower. With this body work work, Weldon says he seeks to explore the intersection between nature and technology.