Founded by Yasha Young of arts platform Urban Nation Berlin, Project M/4 goes beyond the idea of a traditional gallery, utilizing the exterior walls, street-facing windows and building interior of the Berlin art space for murals, installations and studio artwork. For its latest incarnation, M/4, Urban Nation Berlin invited Andrew Hosner of LA gallery Thinkspace to curate the huge group show “LAX/TXL” featuring an extensive roster of big names and noteworthy up-and-comers in New Contemporary art, street art and beyond: Yoskay Yamamoto, Brett Amory, Amy Sol, Andrew Hem, Nosego and dozens more.
In addition to the 16-by-16-inch artworks showcased indoors, Australian artist duo DabsMyla will cover the five-story building’s facade with one of their vibrant, character-driven murals. The building’s large windows will be filled with work by Alexis Diaz (aka La Pandilla), Andrew Shoultz, C215, Curiot, Fernando Chamarelli, Glenn Barr, Joao Ruas, Low Bros, Nosego and Word To Mother. “LAX/TXL” and Project M/4 open on May 17 and will be on view through July 12. Take a look at our preview and stay tuned for more coverage.
Glenn Barr
Luke Chueh
Dabs Myla
James Marshall aka Dalek
Andrew Hem
Brendan Monroe
Andrew Schoultz
Seth Armstrong
Alex Yanes