“Authoring Evolution”, a three-person group show inspired by the tensions between reality and fictional narratives, is now on view at Oakland’s Loakal Gallery. The name of the exhibition aptly alludes to the artworks’ visionary quality; each of these works, in some way or another, represent science fiction tropes that are in fact not fictional any longer (or will not be in the very near future). Robert Bowen, Lauren YS, Xiau-Fong Wee, all painters whom, through their dystopian and fantastical characters, construct a contemporary narrative of what once was folklore.
Bowen’s anthropomorphic and dangerous insects, Lauren YS’s futuristic, alternative women and Wee’s alien landscapes reflect a vision not far from today’s truth. Although fictive in its nature, the works of these artists posits strong ideas about what our future holds given our current attachment to advanced technology. “Authoring Evolution” will be on view from December 6 through January 2, 2014. Take a look at some images from the opening reception courtesy of Loakal Gallery.
Xiau-Fong Wee
Xiau-Fong Wee
Gallery guests
Lauren YS
Lauren YS with her mural
Install view of Lauren YS’s work
Robert Bowen with Loakal Gallery owner, Loretta Nguyen
Robert Bowen
Xiau-Fong Wee
Xiau-Fong Wee
Lauren YS
Lauren YS
Robert Bowen
Robert Bowen