‘The Shining’
CoproGallerydown in Santa Monica have a cool show opening later tonight (Saturday,July 10th). Entitled “Kubrick”, the solo show by Silverlake basedartist Carlos Ramospays homage to the works of Stanley Kubrick, the renowned film directorwho passed away eleven years ago. With a wealth of source material,including such notable films as Clockwork Orange, 2001: A SpaceOdyssey, The Shining, and Lolita, Ramos has captured many of thedirector’s most notorious scenes in what appears to be a highly entertainingand well conceived show. “Kubrick” opens tonight and runs till August 3rd, 2010.
‘2001: A Space Odyssey’
‘Eyes Wide Shut’
‘A Clockwork Orange’
‘2001: A Space Odyssey’