Halloween brings out the best in most of us doesn’t it? Brandi Milne shows her spirt for the best holiday of the year with her newest limited print “Something Wicked”, 11.5″x 11″, limited to 50. The images depicts two figures, one with an owl head and one with a raven head. “The raven head was from a nightmare I had a while ago,” says Brandi. “This ‘raven person’ was crouching over by my dresser in the middle of the night, not moving, just creeping.” Yipe! Oh and the first 20 sold of “Something Wicked” will recieve a free mini masked pumkin print.
Brandi will be at this year’s Baby Tatooville happening the weekend of October 2nd with a bunch of other amazing artists!
“Something Wicked”
“Something Wicked” sketch
Mini print