The New Contemporary Art Magazine

Kikyz1313’s Latest, Bleak Mixed-Media Works

Kikyz1313 blends graphite, watercolors, and pastels to create absorbing, yet unsettling pieces like "Effigy of Coiled Tragedies." The points of entry to pieces by the Mexico-born artist may be gorgeous rendering and colors, yet it’s when the eye settles that it finds bleaker components. The artist was last featured on here.

Kikyz1313 blends graphite, watercolors, and pastels to create absorbing, yet unsettling pieces like “Effigy of Coiled Tragedies.” The points of entry to pieces by the Mexico-born artist may be gorgeous rendering and colors, yet it’s when the eye settles that it finds bleaker components. The artist was last featured on here.

In posting the top piece, the artist offered some insight into the thinking behind it: “Amid all the frequent turmoil of violent disasters and cynical abuses of power and corruption, it baffles me how puzzled people seems to be in such ‘unexpected’ events and I wonder if we conveniently suffer amnesia, as conflict and abuse has described our past and will trace the future of us warlike self-destructive creatures,” the artist says. “Humanity has never transcended history through kindness but only through blood written stories of ‘victory’ and coiled tragedies. We are indeed silly animals, and as long as those few critical minds keep suppressing themselves to that tyrant majority we’ll keep walking in circles and doomed to witness endlessly the peak and decay of our cultures.”

See more of the artist’s recent work below.

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