Andrea Kowch‘s stirring acrylic paintings combine both earnest reflections on the Western experience and surrealism. Her latest works, primarily focused on female subjects, place that discontent against rustic backdrops. Mixing in elements of nature, she’s able to make unexpected connections.
According to a statement: “The stories and inspiration behind her paintings ‘stem from life’s emotions and experiences, resulting in narrative, allegorical imagery that illustrates the parallels between human experience and the mysteries of the natural world. The lonely, desolate American landscape encompassing the paintings’ subjects serves as an exploration of nature’s sacredness and a reflection of the human soul, symbolizing all things powerful, fragile, and eternal. Real yet dreamlike scenarios transform personal ideas into universal metaphors for the human condition, all retaining a sense of vagueness to encourage dialogue between art and viewer.’”
The artist recently had the show “Into the Wind” at RJD Gallery in New York. Before the show even opened on Aug. 26, the artist had sold all of the work included in the show.